ILockBytes - File-Based Implementation

Implemented on a byte array object underlying an OLE compound file storage object, and designed to read and write directly to a disk file.

When to Use

Methods of ILockBytes5AUHTW6 are called from the compound file implementations of IStorageFS1VT1 and IStream8MD3QE on the compound file storage object created through a call to StgCreateDocfileYN.O6Q, so you do not need to call them directly.



This method queries the wrapped pointer for the requested interface.


This method queries the wrapped pointer for the requested interface.


This method queries the wrapped pointer for the requested interface.


This method queries the wrapped pointer for the requested interface.


The dwLockTypes parameter is set to LOCK_ONLYONCE OR LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, which will allow or restrict access to locked regions.


This method unlocks the region locked by ILockBytes::LockRegion.


The OLE-provided IStorage::StatXY11ZW implementation calls the ILockBytes::Stat method to retrieve information about the byte array object. If there is no reasonable name for the byte array, the OLE-provided ILockBytes::Stat method returns NULL in the pwcsName field of the STATSTG structure.


See Also

ILockBytes, IStorage, IStream